Archbishop of Canterbury Most Rev Justin Welby reflects on the qualities of ashes and dust for Ash Wednesday this year.
For Lent 2022, Rev Zhane Tahau Whelan retells the story of his ancestor Rēnata Kawepō: ariki, missionary, church builder, saint.
The USA-based Society of St John the Evangelist has produced a free subscription service of daily thoughts from the heart of the monastic tradition to nourish Christians during the 2022 season of Lent.
Archdeacon Mere Wallace taken to social media to celebrate new clergy, kaikarakia and pou mihana for the Māori Anglican church in Murihiku. She shared her pictures from the event with Anglican Taonga this week.
Here is Vicki Terrell's opening karakia for 'Te Hikoi o te Tūmanako mo te Whanau Hauā - Journey of Hope for Disabled New Zealanders' as they gathered at Parliament on Tuesday 23 March 2021.
Rosa Filoi gives thanks to God for the blessings of Tikanga Youth Sunday and her parish church.
Here is a poem Raewyn Stedman wrote in response to Bishop Stephen Cottrell's teaching at the 2019 Anglo-Catholic Hui in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Cameron Coombe tracks the movement of Christians from Pentecostal to Anglican churches and wonders how this may be a movement of the Spirit.
Max Whitaker chronicles a pathway in his journey towards faith whose twists and turns have landed him in otherworldly places of beauty, solitude and wonder.