
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Kit teaches care for abuse survivors

A recently released toolkit for Aotearoa New Zealand churches offers a first responder’s guide to accompanying survivors of sexual abuse.

Disability funding cuts hit hard

Anglican Church Disability Ministry Educator, the Reverend Vicki Terrell shares her sense of being at the foot of the cross this week, as the Disability Community reels from unexpected cuts to essential health and wellbeing funding for their community and its supporters.

Reframing justice: words that work

Back in March 2020, 30 Christian communicators and social justice advocates from around Aotearoa New Zealand gathered in Auckland to learn better ways to advocate the rights of people seeking asylum. Words That Work is a radical approach to sharing views on social justice that steps out of the traditional church advocacy frame.

Stop Co-Governance raises false alarm

Bishop Richard Randerson writes to the Editor of the Dominion Post to flag the false alarms in a Stop Co-Governance pamphlet.

Faith leaders issue call to COP27

The full call for action at COP27 signed by 53 faith leaders follows below.

Jerusalem Anglicans condemn attack

The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem has condemned  yesterday’s attack on the St Andrew’s Ramallah Anglican Church compound, when Israeli forces raided the offices of Palestinian human rights organisation, Al-Haq on church premises.
• Israeli forces raid offices of six Palestinian human rights groups

He Puapua: a fair go for Māori

Bishop Richard Randerson says 'He Puapua' – the report on a new constitution, offers a fairer go for Māori. 
The way he sees it, a new constitution could derail politicians that sideline Māori New Zealanders just to win Pākeha votes.

NZ churches stand with Ukraine

Leaders of four of New Zealand’s main Christian denominations have released a statement on Russian aggression in Ukraine.

Religious leaders' statement on COP26

Here is the full statement of the Religious Leaders and Interfaith Groups of Aotearoa New Zealand that was presented to the New Zealand Government's Minister for Climate Change, Hon James Shaw, outside the New Zealand Parliament on 19 October 2021.

Faiths back indigenous Creation care

Auckland City Mission looks back

Guts and Grace in Christchurch

Selwyn raises funds for families

African Anglicans call to protect Nile

YMCA reaches landmark 175th

Worth a look
