
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Bibles authorised for public worship

Here is the current list of Bible translations authorised for reading in public worship in Anglican churches across Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

++David Moxon Waitangi Day sermon

In his sermon for Waitangi Day 2022, Archbishop Emeritus Sir David Moxon digs into the deep biblical roots of the words and ideas embedded in the Māori language version of the Treaty of Waitangi.

‘Tamariki Time’ seeds digital ministry

When Sophie Anania and her husband Rev Wiremu Anania set up ‘Tamariki Time’ children’s ministry podcasts to support whānau in the first 2020 Covid-19 lockdown, they had no idea how far their living room project might go.

What the Bible told me changed

Peter Lineham talks about the reasons behind his 2018 video project 'Time for Love' where New Zealanders who care about the Bible explain what changed their Christian view of homosexuality.

The Cathedral consecration sermon

Here's the full text of the sermon Archbishop Philip Richardson preached at the consecration of Auckland's Holy Trinity Cathedral on October 27, 2017.

Bringing dry bones to life

Dr Rosemary Dewerse unravels a thread running through Passion Sunday: lifeless bodies can be made into new flesh through the power of Christ.

Seeing with God's eyes

James Harding relays Jesus' healing encounter with the blind man: the man whose eyes Jesus opened, not only to see the world, but to see God's truth alive within it.

Come and see this man!

Sarah Harris contrasts Nicodemus' cautious approach to Jesus, with the Samaritan woman's bold, 'broad daylight' faith at the well. 

Faith that knows no bounds

Bishop Kelvin Wright hears the rush of the Holy Spirit as each of this week's readings joins Jesus and Nicodemus to speak on the power of faith.

Turning back to God

Are we up for the challenge?

The unholiness of hate

Love that is stronger than law

My eyes have seen your salvation

From the ends of the earth

Worth a look
