Anglican Missions has reported this week that the ‘Get One, Give One’ vaccination appeal has now raised $91K in donations, which means more than 9,100 people who would otherwise miss out on vaccine protection will now be able to receive their Covid-19 jabs.
“It’s great to see so many New Zealanders generously paying their vaccination forward, recognising that others don’t have that benefit that is available to us.” said Anglican Missions Director Michael Hartfield as Anglican Missions revealed its new ‘Get One Give One’ target of $150K.
“Sending ten dollars to the ‘Get One Give One’ campaign fully vaccinates one person – which of course could save their life – and for many people here, that $10 equates to only two of those coffees we can’t buy in lockdown.”
Starting out solo on this vaccine funding campaign, Anglican Missions and the Wellington Diocese did have a helping hand from Unicef which provided some back-up info and materials.
The ‘Get One Give One’ campaign sends funds to the COVAX Alliance – the partnership of Unicef and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) that channels delivery of vaccines to countries unable to afford vaccination programmes on their own.
In July, Anglican Missions presented the ‘Get One Give One’ project to their aid and development peers at the Council for International Development, which led to the Council itself getting on board as an official campaign supporter. Also keen to take part were Christian World Service, NZCMS, ChildFund New Zealand and Fairtrade Australia New Zealand.
“It’s a really good thing to see six agencies working together like this, and we appreciate how they have been pushing the campaign out through all their different networks.” said Michael Hartfield today.
Programme manager at Anglican Missions, Steph Fry reports she has had strong support in producing the ‘Get One, Give One’ campaign due to the hard work and enthusiasm of Anglican Missions’ three student interns in 2021.
Development intern Imogen Inglis, who studies development and international relations at Victoria University, has kept Anglican Missions on top of the daily shifts in vaccination progress across Aotearoa and around the globe.
Imogen’s infographics for schools and churches promoting the campaign show the striking disparity between high income countries’ stockpiles of 87% of the world’s vaccine supply, and low income nations’ only 0.2% of supply.
Also on board to generate noise for the campaign are two Anglican Missions communications interns: marketing student Fair Nguyen, who has been producing ‘Get One Give One’ videos and Powerpoint presentations and monitoring algorithms on the GiveaLittle page, and Aishlin McIntyre who has been providing regular social media updates on the campaign and supporting the background checks on status of vaccine rollouts here.
Michael Hartfield says that as the ‘Get One Give One’ campaign has expanded, giving patterns have changed, with fewer people giving $100 or $200 to pay forward the whole family, and more individuals putting in their ten to fifteen dollars to support one other person as they receive their own vaccine.
Michael says that so far the majority of donations have come through the ‘Get One, Give One’ GiveaLittle page, which automatically generates and sends the giver a tax receipt on their gift, while a small number of parishes have given directly to Anglican Missions.
One partner agency hopes to add ‘Get One, Give One’ to its Christmas catalogue of donation gifts, which along with the ongoing vaccine rollout here, means the appeal may reach through till the end of the year.
To give to the ‘Get One Give One’ campaign go to the GiveaLittle page
To download resources for promoting the campaign in your parish, school or organisation go to the ‘Get One, Give One’ resources Dropbox folder to view and download resources.
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