The Dean of Bishopdale College in Nelson, Tim Harris, will return to Adelaide as Bishop for Mission and Evangelism.
This move comes at the invitation of Adelaide's Archbishop, Jeffrey Driver.
Tim Harris is presently Archdeacon for Theological Education and Ministry Formation in Nelson as well as Dean of Bishopdale. He and his wife Fiona have strong family links in Adelaide.
In a message to his diocese, Archbishop Driver said: "Tim has done a wonderful job helping to re-establish Bishopdale College. He has become a respected figure throughout the New Zealand church and it will be a joy to welcome him, along with Fiona and their son Jon, back to Australia.
"While having some involvement with general episcopal responsibilities including confirmations and ordinations, the Bishop for Mission and Evangelism will focus on the development of 'fresh expressions' of church, congregational planting and parish renewal.
"He will have a place in the academic life of St Barnabas College, lecturing in New Testament and will have an involvement in ministry formation, particularly around mission and 'fresh expressions'.
"We are planning for an episcopal ordination in St Peter’s Cathedral on Sunday, November 20 (Christ the King) at 4pm. Please pray for Tim, Fiona and Jon as they prepare for farewells and look towards returning to Adelaide."
Bishop Richard Ellena to preach
The Bishop of Nelson, Richard Ellena, will travel to Adelaide with Tim and his family and will preach at the ordination.
"Tim has been ‘chewing through’ this possibility with me since early in the year," Bishop Ellena said today. "I know that he has struggled over the decision to accept it because of his love for this diocese and his commitment to the dream of Bishopdale College.
"However, he has done what he came to do; establish this college as a real alternative in the life of the Anglican Church in New Zealand, Aotearoa and Polynesia – a college that is very highly regarded nationally.
"This is a consequence of the staff that Tim has drawn around him, but also at his own personal ability as an academic, a vision caster and a leader.
"Tim has played a key role in my formation as your Bishop during his time here and I will always be deeply grateful for that.
"However, as much as I will miss Tim and Fiona and Jon, I know that this is the right decision and I rejoice with them. It will certainly cement our close relationship with the Diocese of Adelaide and Archbishop Jeffrey.
"Tim is very highly respected provincially also and I acknowledge his work at the national level.
"We will always be sincerely grateful that he responded to the call and come and be with us during these recent years of change and development."
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