In Lent 2024 Anglicans wanting to follow an extra spiritual discipline in the forty days leading to Holy Week can take part in the ‘Green Anglicans’ forty days of fasting and prayer for the climate.
Green Anglicans' leader Rachel Mash encourages Christians to repent in our treatment of God's earth as we walk with Jesus in the desert leading up to Holy Week.
“Lent is a time to confess before God the damage that we are doing to the Earth, but also to celebrate the wonders of the Creation that God asked us to care for.”
“It’s a time to slow down, a time for penitence and fasting, a time to draw closer to God again.”
Green Anglicans' forty days fast for the earth guides followers through a pattern of auditing their homes and churches to eliminate unnecessary waste, reduce their use of essential resources such as water and reduce their use of fossil fuels.
Each Sunday of the forty days, (which in this schedule run from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday) the clean up and fast for the earth offers a biblical text that focuses on an aspect of God’s vision for the earth, or a prophetic warning on the results of not caring for creation.
Each day’s suggestion of an action Anglican whānau and faith communities can take ranges from small contributions such as advocating for green issues on social media, through to bigger responses like its suggested clean-up of local streets on the Saturday before taking your churches' Palm Sunday procession around the neighbourhood.
The forty days’ fast for the earth is downloadable in PDF below.
For more information go to: Green Anglicans’ Lent Resources
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