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Communion invites office vision

The Anglican Communion Office has called for responses on what key principles should guide its future plans, as a new strategy sets out to better meet the needs of the global family of Anglican Churches.

Taonga news  |  21 Dec 2021  |

As the Anglican Communion Office (ACO) works on drafting its 2022-2024 Strategy, members of the Anglican Communion’s Provinces have been asked to respond to a survey on how the ACO can better serve the Communion via the Anglican Consultative Council and its Marks of Mission. 

The survey follows on from the findings of the Operational Review and restructure of the Anglican Communion Office completed by the Standing Committee of the ACC in 2021.

The purpose of the Anglican Communion Office Strategy is to provide a practical working framework for how the Office serves the Instruments of Communion, focusing its work through the Five Marks of Mission.

The five-minute online survey – which also allows space for longer replies – has been designed to enable the widest possible consultation on the strategy drafting process.

Those wishing to fill out the Anglican Communion Office’s short online survey on the key principles that will underpin the strategy can participate by following a link to the survey here. Anyone completing the survey needs to do so before Sunday 9 January 2022, when the survey will go offline and the ACO will begin to collate responses.

If you wish to play a more active role in the consultation process, the Anglican Communion Office will also be hosting a series of consultation and focus groups on the ACO Strategy, ten days after the survey closes, on 19 January 2022.

To indicate your interest in participating in one of these groups please email
