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St John’s canon embeds review

Te Hīnota Whānui General Synod meeting in May 2024 has updated the statute of St John’s Theological College - Te Kāreti o Hoani Tapu to help govern the College in a simpler, more efficient way.

Taonga News  |  10 Jun 2024  |

General Synod Te Hīnota Whānui has agreed on eight changes to the canon governing Te Kāreti o Hoani Tapu - St John’s Theological College that support the smooth running of the Anglican Church’s provincial centre for theological education and ministry formation. 

The latest amendments to Title E Canon II lodge new words and clauses in the St John's College canon that uphold the culture-positive moves proposed by independent reviewers, Miriam Dean KC and Doug Martin back in August 2021. These changes moved in May by the Rev Clare Barrie and seconded by John Whitehead, build on General Synod 2022 revisions that established Te Kaunihera as sole governors of the College. 

This May the General Synod Te Hīnota Whānui agreed to:
– Keep Te Kaunihera - the St John’s College Council as the sole governor of Hoani Tapu - St John’s, except in the matter of decision-making over undisbursed scholarship funds, which are now governed by General Synod Standing Committee
– Enable Tikanga ministry bodies to relate directly to Hoani Tapu - St John’s Manukura and Te Kaunihera alongside Te Kotahitanga
– Expand Te Kaunihera from a maximum of five to seven members (Te Kaunihera members will still be appointed following a search process and assessment via a skills matrix)
– Require Te Kaunihera to invite one student and one faculty representative to attend all meetings, with a right to speak but not to vote
– Allow Chairs of the St John’s Trust Board to serve for longer than four years in succession, only with express permission from the General Synod Standing Committee to continue in their role (for up to four years further).

Hoani Tapu St John’s Manukura Rev Dr Hirini Kaa welcomed the difference Te Hīnota’s latest amendments will make.

“These changes, while seemingly small, will provide for governance which will enable the College to fulfil its function as laid out by [Bishop] Selwyn to be ‘Te Kurawai Matua - the Great Reservoir’ - to serve the church and enable it to thrive.”

The revised Title E Canon II will be available from August to download from the Anglican Church’s resource page on Canons.
