
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Govt cuts disabled people out

Disability Ministry Educator Rev Vicki Terrell uncovers the dial-back of disability rights that is happening right now in Government back offices, sending disability community back towards the bad old days of 'no voice and no choice'. 
• Dreams, realities and the broken promises of disability support in Aotearoa New Zealand
• Whanganui disability advocates concerned with EGL funding freeze

Vicki Terrell  |  09 Sep 2024  |

As we approach 'Social Justice Week' with its focus on the rights of disabled people, the disability community is watching the Government roll back our rights in a return to the bad old days when decisions were made about us, without us.

This August, the Government announced it would transfer funding for Disability Support Services (DSS) from Whaikaha- the Ministry of Disabled People, to the Ministry of Social Development (MSD). This was done without the consulting the disability community and is set to negatively impact our wellbeing. 

Disability Support includes a wide range of equipment and services that enable disabled people to live their daily lives with independence and connection with their wider communities. Great variation in needs and services mean that that individualised support is essential to allow disabled people to participate in society – as agreed by Aotearoa New Zealand under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disability.

In Aotearoa-New Zealand Enabling Good Lives (EGL) is an approach that gives disabled people and whānau power over their disability support funding. This leads to more support for disabled people to live independently, connected to communities, with individually-adapted services, to enable participation and bolster dignity. Although this approach has been endorsed by both National and Labour governments over the last thirteen years, the Government has now halted EGL funding.

The Government's decision to take Disability Support Service funding away from the Ministry of Disabled People:
– claimed lack of funds was the cause, at the same time that thousands of well-off non-disabled NZers will get extra funds from the Government's tax budget
– failed to account for long-term historic underfunding of disability services
– failed to consult disabled people in the review
– failed to acknowledge the complexity of Disability Support Services in the review
–  paused on funding for 'Enabling Good Lives'

This Government action has disempowered our community in many ways. Just as we gained a foothold in the system that has always "done for" us, removing funding for disability support services from disabled people's control patronises us and reduces the power we have in our lives. Again. 

We have just seen clearly in the Royal Commission into Abuse in State Care that the state funded shocking abuse of disabled people, carried out by institutions that ignored and marginalised disabled people's voices and choices.

The culture change that we need to move on as a society from the failures of the past is clearly set out in 'Enabling Good Lives' and its vision of supporting all people to live well and flourish. In theological terms, that kind of society is one built on justice, peace and shalom.

Please support the disability community by:

Signing this petition and encourage others to sign it

Add your voice: Save Whaikaha, the Ministry of Disabled People - Labour (If you don't want to send this letter through a Labour Party platform, open the "edit and send" box to to copy the useful letter text as a starting point for your message. A quick Google will lead you to ministers' and MPs email contacts.

You can also help by:
– Watching and commenting on the Disability Support Services' funding removal from Disability community control through media (letter to the editor) and social media
– Write to your MPs or political party to ask questions about the change
– Encourage the Government/your MP to prioritise 'Enabling Good Lives' over tax cuts
– Talk with disabled people and their whānau about how the funding changes are affecting people's everyday lives and share their stories with others
– Watch Facebook events for more petitions or local protests
– Talk with local disability groups and trade unions who are quoted speaking against these changes.
– Read the arguments from these groups and join their mailing lists: Disabled people Against Cuts; System Change; Disabled People Aotearoa, CCS Disability Action and the Disabled Persons Assembly. 
– Pray for the disability community at this time, and for wisdom on how best to respond to this dial back of disability community rights.

"He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
