
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Christians oppose Treaty Bill

Taonga News  |  09 Sep 2024  |

Today a letter signed by 440 Christian leaders across Aotearoa New Zealand arrived at Parliament to request a swift end to the divisive Treaty Principles Bill.

141 Anglicans, including 13 bishops and the three Archbishops joined in a letter opposing the Bill, which they say undermines the foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand on shared values and common ground.

The letter, which was coordinated for the churches by ecumenical Christian justice network Common Grace Aotearoa, follows in full below.

An Open letter from Christian leaders to all Members of Parliament

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou katoa

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. (Matthew 5:9)

Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? The one… who does what is righteous, who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind. (Psalm 15)

We support Te Tiriti o Waitangi and oppose the proposed Treaty Principles Bill

As Christian leaders from across Aotearoa New Zealand we express our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We affirm that Te Tiriti o Waitangi protects the Tino Rangatiratanga of hapū and iwi. That rangatiratanga over land and taonga is to be upheld.

We therefore express our opposition to the proposed Treaty Principles Bill.

The proposed Bill is inconsistent with Te Tiriti o Waitangi in that it does not recognise the collective rights of iwi Māori or guarantee their relationship with the Crown. It would undermine what Te Tiriti guarantees, and what decades of law, jurisprudence and policy have sought to recognise.

We note with concern the findings of the Waitangi Tribunal’s interim report, Ngā Mātāpono – The Principles, including that the Bill “distorted the text of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.”

The Treaty Principles Bill may destabilise and harm Aotearoa New Zealand

We note with deep concern the harmful impacts the Bill may cause to Aotearoa New Zealand’s social cohesion.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi provides a basis for finding common ground, recognising and reconciling past wrongs, and acts as a moral and equitable compass for our democracy.

By contrast, we believe the Treaty Principles Bill will lead to division between the peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand, cause the spread of disinformation, and hinder efforts at healing and reconciliation.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi as a covenantal relationship 

We affirm the Church’s ongoing, special, and historic relationship with Te Tiriti o Waitangi which many Christians view as a sacred covenant.

As inheritors of the legacy of the missionaries involved in the drafting, promotion and signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, we acknowledge a duty of care for upholding the mana of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 

We commit our own churches to deepening our Te Tiriti o Waitangi education and pursuing reconciliation. We will work to ensure the flourishing of life in Aotearoa New Zealand for all peoples living here, both Tangata Tiriti and Tangata Whenua, as Te Tiriti of Waitangi enables.

We call on all Members of Parliament to oppose the Treaty Principles Bill

We therefore view with concern, and oppose the proposed Treaty Principles Bill. We call on all Members of Parliament to do everything in their power to not take this Bill to Select Committee and to work towards the ongoing restoration of the Tiriti relationship.

With love, and the hope for a flourishing and peaceful future for our people

Signed by the following individuals… 

  1. Most Reverend Don Tamihere, Bishop of Aotearoa, Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia
  2. Most Reverend Justin Duckworth, Archbishop Tikanga Pākehā, Anglican Church in Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia
  3. Most Reverend Sione Uluilakepa, Archbishop Tikanga Pasifika and Primate of the Anglican Church of Aotearoa New Zealand and Polynesia
  4. Archbishop Paul Martin, SM Catholic Archbishop of Wellington
  5. Cardinal John Dew, Roman Catholic Archbishop Emeritus of Wellington
  6. Bishop Stephen Lowe, Catholic Bishop of Auckland
  7. Bishop Michael Dooley, Catholic Bishop of Dunedin
  8. Right Reverend Dr Peter Carrell, Anglican Bishop of Christchurch
  9. Right Reverend Andrew Hedge, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Waiapu
  10. Right Reverend Anashuya Fletcher, Assistant Anglican Bishop of Wellington
  11. Right Reverend Ross Bay, Anglican Bishop of Auckland
  12. Archbishop Emeritus Sir David Moxon, Anglican 
  13. Most Reverend Philip Richardson, Bishop of Waikato and Taranaki, Archbishop Emeritus
  14. Right Rev Dr David Coles, Retired Anglican Bishop of Christchurch
  15. Reverend Peter Taylor, President of the Methodist Church of New Zealand
  16. TeRito Peyroux-Semu, Vice President of The Methodist Church of New Zealand
  17. Commissioner Mark Campbell, Salvation Army Territorial Leader of New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa
  18. Lt. Colonel Ian Hutson, Salvation Army Mission Officer - Social Policy and Parliamentary Unit; Co-Chair of the Salvation Army National Māori Rūnanga
  19. Pastor David MacGregor, National Director Vineyard Churches Aotearoa NZ
  20. Rev Rosie Fyfe, National Director of NZCMS (NZ Church Missionary Society)
  21. Bishop Steve Maina, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Nelson
  22. Rev Peter Rickman, Chaplain and former Dean of Waikato
  23. Very Rev Dr Graham Redding, Presbyterian
  24. Very Rev Dr Graham O’Brien, Dean of the Nelson Cathedral, Anglican
  25. Bishop Peter Cullinane, Bishop Emeritus, Catholic Diocese of Palmerston North
  26. Mark Whitfield, Bishop Emeritus | Pihopa Tāoki of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand | Pastor of St Pauls Christchurch
  27. Bishop Owen Dolan, Bishop Emeritus of the Palmerston North Catholic Diocese
  28. Rt Rev Richard Ellena, Retired Bishop of Nelson
  29. Rev Dr Nāsili Vaka'uta, Principal of Trinity Theological College
  30. Rev Dr Andrew Burgess, Dean/Principal, Bishopdale Theological College
  31. Reverend Professor Murray Rae, Professor of Theology at the University of Otago and Moderator of the Presbyterian Synod of Otago and Southland
  32. Dr Michael Mawson, Maclaurin Goodfellow Associate Professor of Theological and Religious Studies, University of Auckland
  33. Dr Alistair Reese, Theologian and Historian
  34. Luke Kaa-Morgan, Te Pouarataki mō te hikoi, Te Haahi Iriiri/Baptist Church
  35. Very Reverend Jay Ruka, Dean of Taranaki Cathedral
  36. Very Reverend Katie Lawrence, Dean of Wellington Cathedral
  37. Rt Revd Dr Tom Brown, Retired Bishop of Wellington
  38. Reverend Peter Beck, former Dean of Christchurch, Anglican
  39. The Very Revd Ben Truman, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral
  40. Dallas Harema, Co-Leader of Whakapuāwai
  41. Monsignor Gerard Burns, Vicar-General, Archdiocese of Wellington
  42. Professor Jim McAloon, Chairperson of the Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington Commission for Ecology, Justice, and Peace
  43. Dr Alan Jamieson, Baptist Minister
  44. Rev Jill McDonald, Presbyterian
  45. Aaron Hardy, Kaitiaki of Te Rautini Church
  46. John Thornley, Ex Vice-President of Te Hahi Weteriana/Methodist Church
  47. Fr Thomas Rouse, President of the Congregational Leaders Conference of Aotearoa-New Zealand (CLCANZ)
  48. Abi Trevathan, Kairuruku Whanake - Formation & Development Coordinator Alpine Presbytery
  49. Rev Dan Spragg, Kaihautū Whakatipu - Ministries Coordinator, Alpine Presbytery
  50. Alan Vink, Baptist Pastor
  51. Alex Johnston, Co-Director, Common Grace Aotearoa
  52. Kate Day, Co-Director, Common Grace Aotearoa
  53. Rev. Alisa Lasi, Methodist
  54. Rev. Damon Plimmer, Archdeacon of Central Otago
  55. Amy Page-Whiting, Pastor of The River Ōpāwaho
  56. Andrew Reyngoud, Baptist Pastor
  57. Andrew Page, Pastor, Belmont Baptist Church
  58. Rev Andrew Meek, Pastor at Oxford Terrace Baptist Church, Christchurch
  59. Rev. Barry Jones, Methodist
  60. Bishop John Bluck, Retired Bishop of Waiapu
  61. Clint Gibson, Co-Leader of Edge Kingsland, Auckland
  62. Rev Brenda Rockell, Anglican Vicar of Royal Oak, Auckland 
  63. Rev. Brett Reid, Minister, Ngaio Union Church, Wellington
  64. Brian Turner,  Past President, NZ Methodist Church
  65. Dr. Christa McKirland, Baptist
  66. Colin Wood, Parklands Baptist Community Church
  67. Dan Sheed, Co-leader and pastor of Central Vineyard Church
  68. Rev Daniel Lander, Taranaki Cathedral
  69. Daniel Cuttriss, Associate Pastor of Manurewa Baptist Church
  70. Danyon Morton-Chong, Key Leader/Pastor of Blueprint Church
  71. Dave Tims, Director, Urban Neighbours of Hope
  72. Prof David Tombs, Director of Centre for Theology and Public Issues, University of Otago | Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
  73. Rev David Graham, Wesleyan Methodist
  74. Deacon Brenda Fawkner, Methodist
  75. Douglas McNeill (Tapuika), Kaumatua, Messianic Māori
  76. Kaumatua Dr Brett  Mann, Te Raranga Bicultural Group Steering Team
  77. Dr Hamish Baxter, Pastoral Leader, Baptist
  78. Dr Jonathan Robinson, Bible Scholar, Baptist
  79. Dr Lucy D'Aeth, Methodist
  80. Dr Lynne Taylor, Jack Somerville Senior Lecturer in Pastoral Theology, University of Otago, Presbyterian
  81. Dr. Gray Southon, Member, Quaker
  82. Fr. Kevin Mowbray SM, parish priest, St Mary of the Angels, Wellington, Roman Catholic
  83. Fr Uili Uvea, SVD. Assistant Priest at Te Awakairangi Parish, Catholic
  84. Fraser Hardy, Lead a network of churches, Pentecostal/evangelical
  85. Garth and Elizabeth Cant; Dr Garth Cant, Past President Methodist Church,                   Methodist
  86. Rt Rev George Connor, Pīhopa Āwhina, Anglican
  87. Grace  Chamberlain, Baptist Pastor
  88. Hamish Dobbie (Taranaki Whānui), St David's Anglican
  89. Hannah Harris-Finnigan, Kaitiaki - Te Rautini Church
  90. Hannah Frauenstein, Presence Pastor, Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
  91. Hilary Humphrey, Vicars Warden, All Saints Burwood, Christchurch, Anglican
  92. The Rev Dr Janet Crawford, Anglican
  93. Rev Jax Clark, Anglican
  94. Rev Jean Malcolm, Co-Vicar at St Peter’s Anglican Church in Te Aro
  95. Rev Jeff Odhiambo, Anglican
  96. Rev Dr Jennifer Dawson, Parish of Pauatahanui, Anglican
  97. Joanne Parker, Senior Leader at Te Awa Church Waitara
  98. Rev. John Howell, Presbyterian
  99. Rev. John Crawshaw, Anglican Diocese of Wellington
  100. Jonathan Edmeades, Baptist Minister
  101. Rev Karl Weeks-Dickson, St Paul's Waiwhetū, Anglican
  102. Keith Newman, Author, public speaker, poet, Non denominational
  103. Revd Dr Latuivai Kioa Latu Tusa, Methodist
  104. Bradford Haami (Ngāti Awa), Ohope Christian Fellowship Church
  105. Laura Black, Kaihautū / Director, Methodist Mission, Southern Methodist
  106. Lauren Tate-Davis, Children’s Ministry Leader, Hope Vineyard Church
  107. Rev Lionel Nunns, retired Minister, Presbyterian
  108. Rev Māmari Stephens (Te Rarawa), Māori chaplain, Te Puna Karaiti - Chaplaincy VUW Te Herenga Waka Te Herenga Waka, Anglican/Te Hāhi Mihingare
  109. Margaret Woodcock, Parish Council member, Lay Preacher, Methodist
  110. Maria Kirkland, St Matt's Taitā Anglican Church
  111. Mary West, Past Vice President MCNZ, Methodist
  112. Matt Anderson, Youth Pastor at Remuera Baptist Church
  113. Rev Metuisela Tafuna, Methodist
  114. Rev Michael Tane (Ngāpuhi), Mihingare
  115. Dr Chris Marshall, Emeritus Professor of Restorative Justice, Victoria University
  116. Mr Joseph Green, Lay Pastoral Leader, Catholic Archdiocese Of Wellington
  117. Rev Neihana Reihana (Raukawa, Ngāti Ranginui), Anglican
  118. Neil Perry, Baptist Minister
  119. Nick Tait, Lead Pastor of Korimako Vineyard Church
  120. Olivia Bardsley, Youth Pastor Vineyard Churches, NZ
  121. Patria Tamaka (Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Maru, Waikato, Ngāti Kahungunu), Te Taha Māori Pōneke Rohe Delegate, Te Haahi Weteriana / Methodist
  122. Rev. Paul Tregurtha, Methodist
  123. Rev Pete Watson, Vicar, St Paul's Symonds Street, Auckland
  124. Professor Paul Trebilco, Professor of Theology, University of Otago, Methodist
  125. Pastor Grant Chivers, Independent Pentecostal
  126. Reuben Hardie, Rev/School Chaplain, Presbyterian
  127. Rev Alison Robinson, Anglican
  128. Rev Andrew Spence, Co-Vicar of Peninsula Parish Wellington, Anglican
  129. Rev Anne Thomson, Presbyterian minister
  130. Rev Brendon McRae, Presbyterian
  131. Rev Cate Thorn, Priest Associate, Anglican
  132. Rev Craig Fairhall, Methodist
  133. Rev Dr Bruce Hamill, Community Minister for Tēpu Mā Tātou, Presbyterian
  134. Rev Dr Christine Sorensen, Minister, St John's Presbyterian Church, Papatoetoe
  135. Rev Dr Jordan Redding, Minister of St Heliers Presbyterian Church
  136. Rev Dr Lynne Wall, Methodist minister Tuakau Union Parish
  137. Rev Gary Clover, retired parish presbyter & Wesleyan mission historian
  138. Rev Gregory Hughson, Methodist
  139. Rev Guy Benton, All Saints Hataitai Kilbirnie
  140. Rev Ian Faulkner (Ngāi Te Rangi), Presbyter Mt Albert Methodist Parish
  141. Rev Janet Marsh, Methodist
  142. Rev Jim Consedine, Retired parish priest, Catholic
  143. Rev Martin Stewart, Executive Officer Alpine Presbytery, Presbyterian
  144. Rev Matt Chapman, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
  145. Rev Nathan Parry, Minister of Island Bay Presbyterian, Presbyterian
  146. Rev Sarah Nothnagel, Anglican
  147. Rev Scott Reeve, Anglican
  148. Rev Stanley James West, Retired, former General Secretary & President, Methodist Church
  149. Rev Suivaaia Te'o, Methodist Church NZ
  150. Rev. Christopher Orczy, Inner City Chaplain, Christchurch, Anglican
  151. Rev. David van Oeveren, Vicar of The Anglican Parish of Greater Hastings
  152. Rev. Dr Clint Ussher, Lead Pastor, The Well Church, Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa New Zealand
  153. Rev. Dr Susan Thompson, Chaplain, Tamahere Eventide Home & Village,         Methodist
  154. Rev. Dr. Frank  Hanson, Former Principal, Trinity Methodist Theological College            Methodist
  155. Rev. Jim Greenaway, a former Anglican Social Justice Commissioner
  156. Rev. Mark Henderwood, Anglican
  157. Rev. Winnie Douglas, Mihinare/Anglican
  158. Rev Robyn Allen Goudge, Minister of Birkenhead Methodist Church, Tāmaki-makau-rau (Auckland), Methodist (Te Hāhi Weteriana o Aotearoa)
  159. Rev’d Matthew Maslin, Curate, Christchurch Transitional Cathedral, Anglican
  160. Revd John Matthews, Anglican
  161. Reverend Daniel Conolly, Vicar, St John the Baptist Anglican
  162. Rev Dr Turi Hollis, Vicar of St Margaret’s Parish, Te Kauwhata and Diocesan Enabler, Anglican
  163. Reverend Ian Cook, Vicar of Karori Anglican
  164. Reverend Professor Murray Rae, Professor of Theology at the University of Otago and Moderator of the Presbyterian Synod of Otago and Southland Presbyterian
  165. Reverend Richard Bonifant, Vicar St Matthew-in-the-City, Anglican
  166. Rev. Richard Noble, Anglican
  167. Rev Roxy Gahegan, Minister of St Peter's, Ellerslie, PCANZ
  168. Rt Revd Murray Mills, Former Bishop of Waiapu, Anglican
  169. Rev Ruth Sandiford Phelan, Presbyter, Rotorua Methodist Parish, Methodist
  170. Ps Sam Harvey, Lead Pastor, Bay Vineyard Church
  171. Rev. Simon Williams, Methodist
  172. Stuart McGregor, Baptist Minister
  173. Rev. Stuart Simpson, Presbyterian
  174. Rev Sue Brown, Anglican
  175. Rev Clare Barrie, Vicar, St Luke's Anglican Church Mt Albert, Diocese of Auckland
  176. Captain Hana Seddon (Ngāpuhi, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Pūkenga), Rotorua Mission Leader, Salvation Army
  177. Rev Petra Zaleski, Pouhono Wairua I Lead Chaplain I Waipapa Taumata Rau I The University of Auckland, Anglican
  178. Rev. Wilson Chan, Te Hāhi Mihinare
  179. Rev Canon Pine Campbell, Hamilton Anglican Māori Pastorate
  180. Rajaseklhar Reddy Kommareddy, Parish Priest, Te Awakairangi Catholic Church Avalon, Wellington
  181. Revd Peter Williams, Assistant Priest, St Michael and All Angels, Christchurch
  182. Fr Simon Green, St Michael and All Angels, Christchurch
  183. Stuart Macann, Co-Leader of Urban Vision
  184. Rev. Mark Barnard, Priest, St James Māngere Bridge and CEO of Karuwhā Trust
  185. Brian Ormond (Rongomaiwahine), Pastor, City Rock AGNZ Church, Hawke’s Bay
  186. Cheree Ormond (Ngati Ruapani, Tūhoe), Pastor of City Rock AGNZ Church, Hawke’s Bay
  187. Rev. Dr Kevin Connors, Catholic Church, Wellington 
  188. Rev. Christopher Kirby, Anglican Church, Gisborne
  189. Rev. Marie Collin (Ngāti Raukawa), Māori Anglican Church, Wellington
  190. Dave Te Hira (Te Rarawa, Ngāti Ranginui), Pastor & Chaplain, Wellington
  191. Rev. Michael Bellizzi, Catholic Parish Priest, Kahurangi Pastoral Area, Priest at Our Lady of the Bays Parish, Nelson/Tasman
  192. Fr James Lyons, Catholic Archdiocese of Wellington
  193. Vince Kilpatrick, Pastor, Ōtaki Baptist Church 
  194. Ash Cain, Pastor of Pentecostal Elim Community Church Invercargill
  195. Sister Colleen Woodcock, Catholic Sister in Manawatu-Wanganui
  196. Gemma Macaan, Urban Vision, Ngatiawa River Monastery, Co-Team Leader
  197. Rev. Andrew Harrex, Parish of Lawrence/Waitahuna Presbyterian Church
  198. Rev. Watiri Maina, Vicar, Nelson, Anglican
  199. Rev. Brad Wood, Youth Enabler, Nelson, Anglican
  200. Rev. Dr Alfred Tong, Assistant Priest, St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish
  201. Rev. Annie Hawkes, Deacon of Church of the Epiphany Masterton
  202. Rev. Gabriel Chan, Senior Leader, Elim Church Dunedin
  203. Kelvin and Sharon Fowler, Co-Pastors, Mercy Vineyard, Dunedin
  204. Viv Whimster, Convenor, Methodist Lay Preachers Network
  205. Rev John Phillips, Minister, Awatere Joint Venture Church
  206. Rev Dr Tim McKenzie, Vicar, St Michael's, Kelburn
  207. Dr Rebecca Burgess, Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies, Bishopdale Theological College
  208. Anne McNeil, Retired Baptist Pastor, Auckland 
  209. Rev Barbara Dineen, Anglican, St Paul's Cathedral Otago
  210. Timothy Holah, Grace Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Hei Hei
  211. Fr Maurice Carmody, Retired Parish Priest, Wellington
  212. Tumua Masina, Leader of Equippers (Acts Churches NZ), Rotorua
  213. PS. Dr. Froly Horn, Senior Pastor at Southside Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Auckland
  214. Rev Wendy Scott (Ngāpuhi), Priest in Charge in the Parish of St Matthews, Masterton
  215. Rev Paul O’Conner, Catholic Church Wellington
  216. Michael Kettle, Kaitiaki of Te Awa Church Waitara
  217. Jeff Cummings (Ngāpuhi), Assistant Pastor, Vineyard Christian Church
  218. Dr James Baty, Pastor of Capital Vineyard Church, Wellington
  219. Kevin Waugh, Pastor, Salvation Army Manawatu-Wanganui
  220. Elliot Rice, Baptist Pastor, Wellington Central Baptist Church
  221. Dr Michael Frost, Co-leader of Edge Kingsland, Auckland 
  222. Rev. Esther Chan, Te Mihana Māori, Te Pihopatanga o Te Tai Tokerau
  223. Rev Tumanako Tomo (Waikato, Ngati Kauwhata, Rangitane), Māori Anglican, Auckland
  224. Nicola Mountfort Griffiths, Baptist Pastor, Auckland  
  225. Matai Bennett (Ngāti Tūwharetoa), Pentecostal Pastor, Bay of Plenty
  226. Rev Scott Parekowhai (Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki), Te Mihana Māori, Te Pihopatanga o Te Tai Tokerau
  227. Bronwyn Tait, Pastor at Grace Vineyard Church, Christchurch
  228. Des Ng Shiu, Assistant Pastor, Southside Vineyard Church, Auckland 
  229. Rev Dr Geoff New, Principal Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership
  230. Rachel Grant, Lawyer and member of Parish Council, Presbyterian, Flagstaff Community Church, Dunedin
  231. Jacinda Lilly, Pastor, Coast Vineyard Church
  232. Lyndon Reiff, Lead Pastor, Mahurangi Vineyard
  233. David Maharey, Pastor, Oasis Family Church Blenheim
  234. Vanessa Gordon, Presbyterian, Elder at Flagstaff Community Church, Dunedin
  235. Sarah-Jane Peez, Senior Leadership Team & City Campus Pastor, Grace Vineyard Church, Christchurch
  236. Robin Horn, Pastor, Southside Vineyard Church, Auckland
  237. Dr Froly Horn, Senior Pastor at Southside Vineyard Church, Auckland
  238. Jonathan Rankin, Pastor of Urban Vineyard Church, Auckland 
  239. Rev. Colette Stevens, Otaki Parish Enabler
  240. Rev. Steven Goulstone, Wellington South Baptist Church
  241. Rev. Donald Phillipps, Methodist Church, Dunedin
  242. Brendan Abernethy, Pastor, Vineyard Christchurch
  243. Rev. Miriam Freeman-Plume, Deacon Assistant, Anglican Parish of Pauatahanui
  244. Rev. Allister Lane, Minister St John's in the City, Te Aro
  245. Martyn Day, Pastor of South Harbour Vineyard Church, Auckland 
  246. Clark Alcock (Ngāti Rāhiri Tumutumu), Pastor of Grace Vineyard Beach Campus, Christchurch
  247. Rev Gabriel Hawke, Presbyterian, Otago 
  248. Matt Crawshaw, Anglican Diocese of Wellington/Bishop's Community Development Trust
  249. Rev. Stephen Bright, Anglican, Waikato
  250. Rev. Andy Hickman, Co-Vicar Onslow Anglicans, Khandallah 
  251. Anne Preston, Methodist Minister, Christchurch North 
  252. Rev. Cath Growcott, Vicar, St Barnabas Anglican Church, Wellington 
  253. Ven Julie Rokotakala, Vicar of Kāpiti Anglicans
  254. Rev. Max Reid, Methodist Minister, Otago 
  255. John-Paul Metcalfe, Pastor of C3 Church, Rotorua
  256. Helen Sturgeon, Baptist Pastor, Christchurch
  257. Mark Edgecombe, Assistant Pastor, St Christopher's Anglican Church, Tawa
  258. Odele Habets, Pastor, Albany Baptist
  259. Karen Morrison-Hume, KSO - Retired Missioner Mahi Mihinare/Anglican Action
  260. Rev Jethro Day, Anglican
  261. Pastor Andrew Maude, Baptist
  262. Pastor Sean Pawson, Baptist
  263. Rev Henry Yap, Chinese Anglican Mission
  264. Rev Caro Willis, St Matthew's Anglican Church, Taitā
  265. Rev Pamela Bird, Anglican Priest
  266. Gavin and Hope Welsh, Kaitiaki, Pentecostal
  267. Rev Graham Conlon, Priest in Charge, Rangitikei Parish
  268. Reverend Terry Alve, Priest, Porirua Anglicans
  269. Stephen Gerbault, Pastor, City Assembly of God-Turning Point Napier
  270. Rev Dr Rangi Nicholson, Researcher and Priest, Rangiātea Māori Anglican Pastorate
  271. Rev Leanne Munro, Moderator, Presbytery Central Nukuhau Tapu
  272. Rev Stephen Black, Chaplain to Waikato Diocesan School for Girls
  273. Dr Anne Shave, Pastoral Assistant at Cashmere Presbyterian Church, Christchurch
  274. Rev Chris Dodds, Anglican Diocese of Wellington
  275. Ven. Martin Robinson, Archdeacon, Anglican Diocese of Wellington 
  276. Rev Rory Pilbrow, Anglican
  277. Dave Sutherland, Church leader, Christian Community Churches
  278. Revd Canon Paul Dyer, Anglican
  279. Rev Ross Scott, Lead Chaplain, Wellington Hospital
  280. Rev. Tracey Peters, Taihape, Anglican
  281. Helen Brereton, Senior Pastor, Glenfield Baptist Church
  282. Fr Jeffrey Drane, Catholic
  283. Reverend Canon Pania Houkamau-Ngaheu (Ngāti Porou, Tūhoe), Anglican
  284. Rev Sissiel Henderson (Ngāti Pahauwera, Ngāti Maniapoto, Tūhoe), Priest in Charge, Anglican
  285. Tiowaana Harrington (Ngāpuhi), Mōrehu and āwhina, Rātana
  286. Ruth Swale, Anglican Social Justice Advocate
  287. Matt Gordon, Baptist Pastor
  288. Fr Tomy Kearns, Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Valleys Parish Heretanga/Stokes Valley
  289. Adam Hutchinson, Baptist Pastor
  290. David Kitchingman, Retired Convener Mornington Explorers Group
  291. Fr John van der Kaa, Roman Catholic
  292. Rev Peter Benge, Wellington City Mission
  293. Larry Lombardi, Senior Pastor
  294. Kathleen Macdonald, Pastor
  295. Rev Patricia Jacobson, Methodist / Co-Operating
  296. Rev. Deborah & Brian Paton, Anglican
  297. Fr Geoff Paterson, Assistant Priest (Retired), Anglican
  298. Dr Elizabeth Julian, RSM (Sisters of Mercy New Zealand)
  299. Reverend John Marcon, Waikato, Anglican
  300. Graham Davison, Senior Minister, Assemblies of God
  301. Rev Mark Gibson, Minister, Christchurch North Methodist Parish, Former President of the Conference of Churches in Aotearoa New Zealand
  302. Rev. Peter Sampson, Anglican
  303. Rev Sue Fordyce, Anglican
  304. Rev Craig Harris, Whanganui Anglicans
  305. Rev Dr Helen Jacobi MNZM, Anglican
  306. Ben Harrowfield, Pastor of CityLife Church, New Plymouth
  307. Rev Glynn Cardy, Presbyterian
  308. Rev Stephen King, Anglican
  309. Wendy Geerling, Baptist Pastor
  310. Rev Chris Darnell, Vicar of St Mary's Whitby
  311. Rev Kat Maxwell, Anglican
  312. Rev Norman West, Methodist
  313. Rev Mo Morgan, Presbyterian
  314. Hayden Hewitt, Church Leadership, Christian Community Church
  315. Jaanine Harris, Chaplain, Methodist Mission Northern
  316. Rachel Roberts, Baptist Pastor
  317. Rev Elizabeth Harcourt, Anglican
  318. Stephanie Pettigrew, Chairperson, Presbyterian Support Otago
  319. Jody Kilpatrick, Baptist Minister
  320. Dr. Richard Goodwin, Academic Director at Pathways College of Bible and Mission; trustee of Christian Community Churches of NZ Board
  321. Rev Hana Popea-Dell, Presbyterian
  322. Rev Canon Cameron Pickering (Ngāpuhi), Chaplain, Christ's College Canterbury
  323. Debbie Spackman, Pastor of Te Atatū Baptist
  324. Mark Campbell, Elder of St Columba Presbyterian Church, Botany
  325. Rev Lucy Flatt, Vicar St John’s, Timaru
  326. Rev Dr Carolyn Robertson, Vicar, All Saints Burwood
  327. Rev Sally Carter, Presbyter, North Taranaki Methodist Parish, Te Whānau Weteriana o Taranaki
  328. Rev. Jonathan Barb, Minister at Linwood Avenue Union Church
  329. Rev Dr Selwyn Yeoman, Presbyterian
  330. Rev Spanky Moore, Anglican Minister
  331. Rev Bosco Peters, Retired Anglican Chaplain
  332. Rev. Rory Grant, Timaru Presbyterian
  333. Andrea Grant, parish councilor, Presbyterian
  334. Rev Sage Harris, Presbyterian
  335. Rev Grant Ridout, Presbyterian
  336. Pā Peter Healy, Māori Pastoral Care, Catholic
  337. Pastor James Beck, The River
  338. Amy Tait (Ngai Tai), Lead Pastor of Korimako Vineyard Church
  339. Rev Dr Te Hira Paenga (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Kahungunu), Anglican
  340. Rev Sonya Lewthwaite, Anglican Priest
  341. Rev Dr Matthew Jack, Presbyterian Minister
  342. Rev Richard Apperley, Co-priest in charge, St Michael and All Angels, Newlands-Paparārangi
  343. Rev Rebecca Apperley, Co-priest in charge, St Michael and All Angels, Newlands-Paparārangi
  344. Dave and Jill Moore, Pentecostal Pastors
  345. Rodney Read, Sports Chaplain
  346. Stephen Worsley, Associate Pastor, Auckland Baptist Tabernacle
  347. Lieutenant Lexee Dunlop, Corps Office & Community Ministries Director, Whakatāne Salvation Army
  348. Andrew Keall, Co-leader, Bush Community Church, Pahiatua
  349. David Moko, Mema Te Rūnanga Whakawhanaunga i ngā Haahi o Aotearoa
  350. Ven Dr Anne Van Gend, Archdeacon of Rural South
  351. Rev Peter Appleby, Anglican
  352. Kellie Kirkland, Vestry member Te Karaiti te Pou Herenga Waka
  353. Rev Dr Michael McCabe, Catholic
  354. Deacon Matt White, Catholic
  355. Pastor Wesley Smith, New Life Churches
  356. Daryn Short, Kaitiaki of Te Awa Church Waitara
  357. Douglas Rowan, Bishop's Warden in Charge, Levin Anglican Parish
  358. Rev Diana Rattray, GM Spirituality, The Selwyn Foundation
  359. Ngahuia Rolsten, Presbyterian Enabler
  360. Rev Learne McGrath, Anglican
  361. Reverend Paul Fletcher, Anglican
  362. Rev Dr Marie Ropeti-Apisaloma, Presbyterian
  363. Pastor John Catmur, Baptist
  364. Pastor Ken Keyte, Baptist
  365. Jen Mano-Martinez, Leader of The Logos Project, Catholic
  366.  Rev Amber Leonard Schoss, Chaplain, Urban Vision
  367. Manuel Beazley, Episcopal Vicar for Māori, Ngāi Tupoto, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Hao, Ngāti Kaharau, Ngāpuhi
  368. Rev Darryn R Hickling, Methodist
  369. Rev Jacqui Stevenson, Anglican
  370. Dr Mary Easthem, QSM, Secretary of the Parish Council, St. Brigid's Church
  371. Rev Michael Holdaway, Otago Peninsula Anglican Parish
  372. Bishop Derek Eaton QSM, retired Anglican bishop
  373. Rev John Carr, Te Hāhi Weteriana o Aotearoa (Methodist)
  374. Rev. Jessie Thornton-Black, Anglican Diocese of Wellington
  375. Rev Vicki Terrell Disability Ministry Educator, Anglican
  376. Bob Robinson, Laidlaw College
  377. Rev Dr Rangi Nicholson, researcher and priest, Rangiātea Māori Anglican Pastorate, Ngāti Raukawa ki Te Au o Te Tonga, Ngāti Toarangatira, Ngāi Tahu, Rangitāne, Ngāti Kuia and Ngāti Pāhauwera
  378. Pastor Gregory and Joanne Forde, interdenominational, Ngāti Raukawa
  379. Reverend Adair Oosterbroek, Presbyterian
  380. Reverend Eric Oosterbroek, Presbyterian
  381. Rev Dr Rob Kilpatrick, Baptist
  382. Caleb Tangaroa Haurua, Baptist, Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi
  383. Rev Charles Waldegrave, Anglican
  384. Ven Jan Clark, Vicar General Anglican Diocese of Dunedin
  385. Rev. Matt Bruns, Anglican
  386. Rev Dr Michael Baker, Anglican
  387. Andrew Balwin, Petone Baptist
  388. Pastor Hayden Allen, Baptist
  389. Rob Petrini, Senior Pastor Hutt City Baptist Church
  390. Andrew Sangster, pastor at New Plymouth West Baptist Community Church
  391. Pastor Michael Krausse, Baptist
  392. Dr Ian W. Payne, Board Member, Pathways College of Bible and Mission
  393. Dr. Richard Goodwin, Academic Director at Pathways College of Bible and Mission; trustee of Christian Community Churches of NZ Board
  394. Rev. John Graveston, Diocese of Dunedin Child Youth & Family Educator
  395. Pastor Tim Hart, Māngere Bridge Baptist Church
  396. Luke Deans, Youth Pastor of Māngere Bridge Baptist Church
  397. Sophia Nobbs, Youth Pastor of Ponsonby Baptist Church
  398. Pastor Andrew Bollen, Baptist
  399. Rev Sam Tovey-Duckworth, Anglican
  400. Rev Luca Tovey-Duckworth, Anglican
  401. Genevieve Vine, Co-Leader, Ngatiawa River Monastery
  402. Dr George Wieland, Research Fellow, Carey Baptist College
  403. Rev Alec Clark, Anglican
  404. Dr Michael Godfrey, Interim Priest, Whakatipu Anglican
  405. Colleen Hutchinson, Baptist Pastor
  406. Rev Canon Rose Scott, Priest in charge of Holy Trinity Church, Port Chalmers
  407. Sarah Auld, Regional Leader Otago-Southland for Sports Chaplaincy New Zealand
  408. Rev David (Rawiri) Dell, Regional Moderator - Presbytery Central
  409. Matthew Hawkins, Sports Chaplain, CCCNZ
  410. Rev Susan Slaughter, Anglican
  411. Very Revd Dr Tony Curtis SCP, Dean of Dunedin
  412. Bishop Colin Campbell, Catholic Bishop Emeritus of Dunedin Diocese
  413. Deacon Danny Karatea-Goddaed, Hāto Hōhepa Kākāriki - St Joseph's Church Kakariki 1914 (Ngāpuhi, Te Kapotai, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Whātua, Ngāti Maniapoto)
  414. Pouhono Rev'd Jacynthia Murphy, Mihinare (Te Rarawa, Ngapuhi, Ngati Wai)
  415. Rev Sophie Silvester, Anglican
  416. Kathleen Rita Cahill - Catholic sister of St Joseph, Bay of Plenty.
  417. Sister Meg Hills, Catholic sister of St Joseph
  418. Faye Blossom, Liaison Person, Te Taha Maori - Waikato Rohe, Te Haahi Weteriana o Aotearoa
  419. Josie Te Kahu, Area Leader Northland, Baptist
  420. Brother Phillip Jeffares, Order of Friars Minor Catholic
  421. Sister Anne Powell, Catholic
  422. Sister Clare O'Connor, Catholic
  423. Sister Mary Jackson Kay, Catholic
  424. Sister Kathleen Ryan, Catholic
  425. Sister Margaret Anne Mills dolc, Sisters of Compassion, Catholic
  426. Sister Sue Cosgrove, Catholic
  427. Sister Carmel Cole, Catholic
  428. Sister Margaret Monaghan, Province Leader Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions, Catholic
  429. Sister Merle Hiscock, Catholic
  430. Sister Elizabeth Snedden, Coordinator Religious of the Sacred Heart in NZ, Catholic,
  431. Sister Noreen McGrath, Catholic
  432. Fr Thomas Thanniyanickal Ouseph, Superior, Claret house
  433. Sister Colleen Woodcock, Catholic
  434. Sister Moya Campbell, Catholic
  435. Sister Lucille Taylor, Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart
  436. Sister Anne Burk, Catholic
  437. Sister Lee Tan, Catholic
  438. Sister Tina Capeli, Catholic
  439. Sister Marie Skidmore, Catholic
  440. Sister Margaret O’Neill, Catholic
  441. Sister Makareta Tawaroa, Catholic

Te reo Māori version

Translated by Piripi Walker

He reta tuwhera nā ngā kaihautū Karaitiana ki ngā Mema Pāremata katoa

E nga reo, e nga mana, e ngā rau rangatira mā

Ka koa te hunga hohou rongo: ka huaina hoki rātou he tamariki nā te Atua. (Matiu 5:9)

E Ihowa, ko wai e noho ki tōu tapenakara? Ko ia he tapatahi nei te haere, he tika te mahi, he kōrero pono anō i roto i tōna ngākau... Ahakoa mate i tana oati, kāhore e whakapaheketia e ia. (Waiata 15)

E tautoko ana mātou i Te Tiriti o Waitangi, ā, e whakahē ana i te Pire mō ngā Mātāpono Tiriti e marohitia nei

E kōrero ana mātou hei kaihatutū nō ngā Hāhi Karaitiana puta noa i Aotearoa me te whakapuaki i tō mātou ū ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi. E whakaū ana mātou ko tā Te Tiriti o Waitangi he tautiaki i te Tino Rangatiratanga o ngā hapū me ngā iwi. Kia toitū te rangatiratanga o te whenua, me ngā taonga.

Nā konei kei te tāpae mātou i tā mātou whakakāhore rawa i Te Pire mō ngā Mātāpono Tiriti e marohitia nei.

E taupatupatu ana te Pire e marohitia nei ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi tūturu, inā hoki, kāore e whakaae ki ngā motika tōpū o ngā iwi Māori, ki tō rātou hononga rānei ki te Karauna. Mā te Pire hoki e kari tā Te Tiriti e whakapūmau nei, me ngā hua papai o te hia ngahuru tau i tohea i roto i ngā mahi o te ture, o ngā whakawākanga, me ngā kaupapa here. 

Kua rongo hoki mātou me te āwangawanga anō i ngā kitenga a te pūrongo tārewa a Te Rōpū Whakamana i te Tiriti o Waitangi, Ngā Mātāpono – The Principles, me tā rātou kī, ko tā te Pire rā he “whakariroi i ngā kupu o Te Tiriti o Waitangi.”

Mā Te Pire mō ngā Mātāpono Tiriti e whakapōraruraru, e tūkino pea te noho pai o te tangata i Aotearoa

E rongo ana mātou, me te āwangawanga nui anō, ngā pānga kino o te Pire ki te piringa tahitanga o ngā tāngata o Aotearoa.

Ko tā Te Tiriti o Waitangi he hora kaupapa mō te rapu ara mō te katoa, mō te whakaae me te hohou i te rongo mō ngā take hē o mua, ka noho hoki hei whakamaunga atu mō te ihu o te waka mō tō tātou manapori, kia tika, kia tōkeke.

Otiia, ki a mātou mā Te Pire mō ngā Mātāpono Tiriti ka tō kē tēnā, ka tō kē tēnā, o ngā iwi o Aotearoa, ka tiria ngā kōrero horihori ki te katoa, ka raru ngā mahi a te tangata mō te whakaoranga i muri i te mamae nui, me te maunga ā-rongo.

He hononga ā-kawenata Te Tiriti o Waitangi 

Kei te whakaū mātou i te hononga mutunga-kore, i te hononga tapu, hononga tuku iho ki Te Tiriti o Waitangi, he hononga ka kīa e te tini o te hunga Karaitiana he kawenata tapu. 

Ko mātou te hunga whiwhi i ēnei kawenga tuku iho, mai i ngā kaikauwhau tuatahi i te rongopai i whai wāhi ki te whakatakoto, ki te whakatairanga, ki te waitohu hoki i Te Tiriti o Waitangi, ā, e whakaae ana mātou kua herea mātou kia noho hei kaihāpai i te mana o Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 

E tāpae ana mātou i te kī, tērā tonu mātou me ō mātou hāhi ake e mahi nui kia kawea ngā akoranga mō Te Tiriti o Waitangi ki ngā taumata e tika ana, kia whāia hoki ngā mahi hohou rongo a ngā rā kei mua i te aroaro. Ka mahi tonu mātou kia whakaūngia te noho pai o te tangata i Aotearoa mō ngā tāngata katoa e noho ana i konei, mō te Tangata Tiriti me te Tangata Whenua, e ai ki ngā ritenga o Te Tiriti of Waitangi.

Tēnei mātou te karanga atu nei ki ngā Mema Pāremata katoa kia whakakāhoretia Te Pire mō ngā Mātāpono Tiriti.

Nā reira kei te titiro mātou me te whakahē hoki ki Te Pire mō ngā Mātāpono Tiriti e marohitia nei, me te māharahara nui. Tēnei mātou te tāpae i tā mātou inoi ki ngā Mema Pāremata katoa kia mahia ngā mea katoa ka taea e rātou kia kaua ai e kawea tēnei Pire ki te Komiti Whāiti, kia mahi tonu kia whakapūmautia anō te wairua o te hononga Tiriti. 

Nā mātou i roto i te aroha, me te tūmanako kia tika ai tātou me tō tātou iwi ā ngā rā e tū mai nei, i te āhua o te whenua rangatira.

Inā te rārangi ingoa o te hunga nāna i waitohu tēnei reta…
