On 22 January Te Hui Amorangi o Te Tai Tokerau celebrated a Eucharistic service of ordination at the historic location of Oihi in the far North, where the first recorded Christian service occurred 210 years ago on Christmas Day 1814.
The Hui Amorangi o Te Tai Tokerau announced the service on Facebook, which took place in the shelter of Rangihoua Heritage Park.
The Facebook post follows:
What an incredible day of celebration at Rangihoua!
Our hearts are full of joy as we share snapshots from the beautiful ordination ceremony of Rev. Dale van Engelen, Rev. Allison Ripia and Rev. Michael Tane.
We also celebrated the licensing of Georgina Parata, Paula Wilson, Karlene Nesbit and Alan Nesbit as Kaikarakia as well as the confirmation of Ngawaiata Naera-Taurima.
Congratulations to all!
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