NZCCSS has produced a groundbreaking new report on the needs and rights of children in middle childhood in Aotearoa New Zealand. The guide, titled ‘Te Kōrero mō ngā Tamariki: Exploring the context of middle childhood in Aotearoa New Zealand' is a free, easy-to-read guide designed to promote a better understanding of the context of care for children aged 5 to 12 years.
The middle childhood guide provides an overview of the environmental factors in Aotearoa New Zealand that effect children’s development and wellbeing between 5-12 years. It draws on insights from research into holistic development, whānau and community dynamics, key relationships, and children’s rights and legislation.
NZCCSS Kaiwhakahaere Matua Nikki Hurst says the guide will be valuable to all those who work with and care about our tamariki.
“We are so excited to be focusing on 5 to 12 year olds. This is a crucial stage that, as a society, we just don't seem to have a good understanding of.”
“Before now, any information about this age stage was scattered across the internet – we’re thrilled to be releasing this unique resource, a one-stop shop for parents, caregivers and kaimahi working with children.”
Available now on the NZCCSS website, Hurst says the middle childhood guide also features artwork and writing from tamariki between 5-12 years old.
“All children are taonga and we wanted to include their creativity and views, not just write about them from afar."
Although 'Te Kōrero mō ngā Tamariki' has been written as an easy-to-read guide, it is also intended as a resource for those with the power to make structural change, says Hurst.
“We hope it will be read by decision-makers currently making long-term choices for our tamariki in education and policy, giving them access to up-to-date thinking. It’s all very well to believe that work is done in children’s best interests, but it’s deeply important to do that with a solid understanding of the children themselves.”
NZCCSS thanks the Tindall Foundation for their generous support and to everyone who contributed to creating Te Kōrero mō ngā Tamariki, now freely available to all on the NZCCSS website at:
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