
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

SJCTB opens 'new initiatives' fund

The St John's College Trust Board and Te Kotahitanga have developed a new approach to funding Anglican education across Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

Taonga News  |  07 Dec 2017

The St John's College Trust Board and Te Kotahitanga have established a new avenue by which Anglican groups can apply for education funding.

Anglican organisations, networks, ministry units or parishes will be able to make direct online applications to the St John's College Trust Board (SJCTB) to request pilot funding for between 1-3 years on new and innovative projects.

All projects in the 'new initiatives' scheme will need to demonstrate they comply with the SJCTB Act by ensuring they include 'instruction in the principles of the Christian faith.'

Currently SJCTB education funds are allocated to approximately 10% individual lay and clergy scholarships, 25% St John's College and 65% hui amorangi and diocesan-delivered ministry education projects.

According to the Secretary of SJCTB, Grant Hope, those figures are unlikely to change a great deal with the new scheme in place,

"The funding of new initiatives project will benefit from the Trust Board's past investment decisions, and the funding will be in addition to the level of distributions previously funded by the Trust."

"That means these are fresh funds available to any Anglican entity with fresh ideas to support the Church's ministry into the future."

The new funding also offers an opportunity to shift away from paper-format applications into an online process.

"We expect that the shift to digital will make it easier and more accessible for people to apply."

Under the new initiatives funding scheme, Te Kotahitanga will advise the Trust on how each application supports or counters the strategic directions and priorities for Christian education, both across and within the Tikanga, before the Trust determines which will receive funding.

At this stage SJCTB has not capped funds available for each application, or set a limit on the number of applications.

The new initiatives application process is now live at:
