
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Motion 7, as amended

Here's the full text of the amended Motion 7.

General Synod  |  09 May 2018

Motion # 7


Final Report of Motion 29, 2016 Working Group


Mover:  The Rev’d K Eruera                                        Seconder: The Rt Rev’d R Ellena



That this General Synod / te Hīnota Whānui 2018:


Having been presented with the Final Report of the Motion 29 Working Group, resolves to:        


Ÿ    receive the report;


Ÿ    accept the recommendations in the report subject to appointment of a select committee to consider and report to this Hīnota / Synod on Wednesday, 9 May on changes to address:


  1. A Blessing should require a civil marriage or civil union
  2. Ambiguity on right ordering for ordination be retained
  3. Christian Communities

a)       The constitution of a community recognise te Tiriti, Te Pouhere;

b)      Recognition of a community be with Te Hīnota Whānui / General Synod;

c)       Any allocation of resources to a community recognise mana whenua;

d)      The relationship between the Visitor Bishop and the Diocesan be described more fully and include for the Visiting Bishop to have influence and advocacy but not authority


  1. Implementation of the proposals be in accordance with tikanga within each Tikanga and in accordance with Te Pouhere



Ÿ    endorse in principle, for consideration, the proposed changes to the Constitution/Te Pouhere and Canons of the Church set out in the report, and in Bills 20-24, and


Ÿ    agrees to the withdrawal of Bill 3 (being Bill 15, 2016) and Motion 4 of the General Synod / te Hīnota Whānui 2016 currently lying on the table.
