
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Anglicans helping Auckland's homeless

Te Puni Kokiri and the Anglican Church are joining forces to help the homeless on Auckland streets.

Numia Ponika-Rangi for Maori Television  |  02 Jul 2015  |  1 Comment  

A partnership between Te Puni Kokiri and the Anglican Church aims to reach out to the homeless living on Auckland's streets.

According to Anglican minister Tony Brooking, “Our TPK family are here to do the work today for our homeless families to distribute resources.

“We have health professionals, massage therapists in there, we have cooks here giving their time and skills for love.”

Organisers agree that they will never be able to achieve zero homelessness. However, Matariki is a great opportunity to identify increasing issues that lack support and dedicated organisations.

Mr Brooking says: “Some of our homeless families are affected by mental illness but where is the support for them, where are the resources? Services have been cut, funding has been cut – all those things which people in their situation desperately need.”

Although the support from this partnership may be small, Mr Brooking says it’s a positive step towards creating brighter futures.


Rob McKay

According to Rev Wilf Holt homelessness in the city of Auckland increases every year. Auckland City Mission continues to work the homeless but i think local body government needs to provide low cost lodges and not just rely on the Church and private lodges to fit the bill.