
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Christchurch rejects Covenant

Clergy in the Diocese of Christchurch vote no to the proposed Anglican Covenant.

Taonga news  |  22 Apr 2012

Christchurch's Diocesan Synod has rejected the proposed Anglican Covenant after several hours of debate and a secret ballot.

A three-part motion was passed by the laity but rejected by clergy. The motion had to be passed by all houses to be approved.

Bishop Victoria Matthews did not vote because she was only required to give or withhold assent if the motion had passed in both houses.

She made it clear, however, that she would have assented if required to vote.

Christchurch's decision means four Pakeha dioceses have voted against the “Covenant,” while three have expressed agreement in principle at least. Tikanga Maori meanwhile has decided against it. The debate now moves to General Synod/ te Hinota Whanui early in July.

Reporting from the Christchurch synod yesterday, Bosco Peters notes there were 45 speeches, with breaks, across several hours, and another break prior to voting by secret ballot in houses.

Synod then waited a further three and a half hours until told of the result.

The full motion, moved by the Rev Dr Peter Carrell, was:

That this synod:
 1 Affirms the Anglican Communion Covenant in principle
 2 Supports the adoption of sections 1 to 3
 3 Supports in principle the adoption of section 4.

The debate reportedly was respectful and marked by plenty of listening.

• For Bosco's full report, go to

Mover's speech
