
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

Karakia for cathedral dead

Bishop John Gray leads karakia beside ChristChurch Cathedral for those who perished there on Tuesday.

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Lloyd Ashton  |  28 Feb 2011  |

In a short but solemn ceremony this afternoon, Bishop John Gray led karakia beside ChristChurch Cathedral for those who perished there on Tuesday.

Giant cranes paused in the removal of tonnes of unstable masonry from the tower, and Search and Rescue teams stood by while Bishop John said prayers to acknowledge the presence of dead within the cathedral, and to pay tribute to those who died.

Bishop Gray spoke of “dragging the canoe of grief and love” to the cathedral, and his team of five from Te Wai Pounamu used fronds of greenery to sprinkle cleansing water on the site.

They prayed the prayers and sung himene that would be said at an Anglican Maori funeral.

Maori protocol has thus been observed, and recovery of the dead may now proceed.

The brief ceremony also recognizes the role tangata whenua should play when people have died on their land.

Bishop Gray spoke and Te Wai Pounamu team were joined by Bishop Victoria Matthews, Archbishop David Moxon, and Dean Peter Beck.

Bishop Victoria asked for God’s guidance and protection of the rescue workers, and also  prayed for a cleansing of the site after the tragedy.

Archbishop Moxon finished the karakia by praying for those left behind.

Haere, Haere, Haere

Moe mai i roto i te rangimarie o te Ariki  

Go forth from this world,

Rest in the peace of the Lord.
