
Telling the stories of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, NZ and Polynesia

A poetic response

Here is a poem Raewyn Stedman wrote in response to Bishop Stephen Cottrell's teaching at the 2019 Anglo-Catholic Hui in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand.

Raewyn Stedman  |  19 Aug 2019

The News

Let me tell you the good news.

Let me tell you the bad news.

The good news is that Jesus saves you.
The bad news is that he does not save you from suffering and grief.

The good news is that you will meet him and your life will be changed.
The bad news is that you will be changed slowly, so slowly.

The good news is that God will not give you more than you can bear.
The bad news is that you might be broken.

The good news is that God works in your life.
The bad news is that you will not always see it.

The good news is that you will never be alone in your suffering.

The good news is that you are loved just as you are.

The good news is that God comes to you 
In bread and wine 
In other people, Christian or not 
In the beauty of nature 
In the sacredness of worship.

The good news is that he heals your brokenness.

The good news is that he holds your heart and your complete being in his infinite tenderness.

©Raewyn Stedman 2019.
