Canterbury nominators ask for input

The Church of England and the Crown Nominations Commission have launched a Communion-wide public consultation inviting input on what's needed in the next Archbishop of Canterbury.

ACNS  |  10 Feb 2025  |

The nominations group that oversees the Archbishop of Canterbury nomination process has opened a consultation to gather the views of people across the Anglican Communion on the gifts, qualities and skills needed in the 106th Archbishop of Canterbury. The consultation, which runs from 7 February - 28 March 2025 will also enable people to submit names for the Crown Nominations Commission (CNC) to consider.

The CNC will use the themes that emerge through the public consultation to inform the Commission on the mission and leadership needs for the Church of England and the Anglican Communion. 

The role of the CNC is to discern whom God may be calling to the ministry of Archbishop of Canterbury. The CNC is a 20-member body, including 17 voting members and up to three non-voting members. Five of the voting members are representatives from the Anglican Communion.
Once the full membership of the CNC is known in March, the Commission will convene for its first meeting in May, followed by two further meetings – one in July and one in September. Through these, the Commission will agree the ‘Role Profile’ and ‘Person Specification’ for the next Archbishop of Canterbury, and discern the longlist, to shortlist and to interview candidates.
It is not possible to apply for the role of Archbishop of Canterbury. The CNC invites potential individuals into a careful and prayerful process of discernment.

You can find more information and take part in the Crown Nominations Commission Public Consultation online.


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